08 February 2010

weekending in wisconsin

This past weekend, I decided to visit Anna and Tim in Milwaukie! I was already in the middle of the country working in Kansas, so seeing them was the perfect thing to do before heading back to the west coast.

They took me on a tour of Marquette. It was such a beautifel campus. Here are Anna and I in front of the large chapel on campus:
This is the Joan of Arc chapel. It was originally built in France a long time ago, then shipped to Wisconsin.
Inside the Joan of Arc chapel.
Seeing this watermelon shack made me want to come back in the summer, and visit this shack, in the nicest area of Milwaukie.
Waiting for our tour at Sprecher Brewery-- a Wisconsin must-do.
All you can drink soda tasting. We liked the rootbeer, cream soda, orange cream, and kind of the cherry cola. We did not like so much the ginger ale, puma cola, and red. All their sodas are made with honey as the primary sweetener, which is kind of cool.
Lake Michigan is enormous. You can't see the other side. It's like staring at the ocean. There were some really beautiful old houses along the river-- it was such a cool area.
Here is the Wisconsin cheese I brought home with me. I'll cook something with it, someday when I am living in Portland again.
Anna and Tim-- thanks for such a fun weekend! It was so nice to see you, and get a tour of Wisconsin from locals!


Jeff Rosenbaugh said...

Sprecher rootbeer is FANTASTIC! I think it's seriously the best out there!

It's so funny, cause I did pretty much everything you did when I was in Milwaukee with an ex-girlfriend a couple years ago. It's a fun place, but if you ever go back make sure you SKIP the Harley Museum and you eat at "The Safe Hourse". trust me!

Kirstin said...

Your weekend sounded fun. I wish I could have visited Anna with you. Some day I'll be out of school and can afford to take weekend trips...

Megan said...

Court, it is so awesome that you get to travel so much! I'm jealous.

Anna said...

We had so much fun with you! Your pictures are fantastic, you should look into photography :) I had such a great time and loved catching up! I am so proud of our little Milwaukee and am glad you got to see it, especially the watermelon stand in the ghetto, especially that. Let's meet up in Chicago in the summer!

JonJon said...

Um, you could cook something with that cheese round, or you could bring it to my house on a Thursday night and we can eat it while we watch 30 Rock. Excited for you to return to P-town.

Nathan and Whitney Tanner said...

So fun! That's cool that they actually shipped the cathedral there--who would have known? I'm also glad to see an Anna sighting! Maybe she'll have a blog someday?