11 January 2009

"bean counter" has taken on a whole new level of meaning

I'm at the end of my week and a half of IO's. I'm so over counting stuff. Here are a few hilights (I really don't mean to be always complaing about my job, because I do like it).

New Year's day I was counting food items at a local restaurant chain. At 6am. I had gone to the YSA New Year's dance, come home and slept from 2-5am, then got up and worked for 5 1/2 hours before taking a nap from noon to 3. Who says public accounting doesn't come with a fabulous work-life balance?

The next day (note, I worked 2 firm-wide holidays in a row), I counted medical supplies in a warehouse in Vancouver. I at least got to push it back a couple hours in the day because there was snow when I woke up, and I'm only willing to get in the one car accident for the firm.

Monday, I got to go in a clean room for the first time and count stuff. After the novelty of the suit wore off, I was just kind of hot and sticky. This IO spilled over into the next day because we missed a section of the inventory the first time. So that makes 3 workdays in a row I got to drive to WA. By now I'm a pro at suiting up for a clean room (the 2nd day I got to go in twice due to the thoroughness of my auditing skills). Sidenote, if I were a practicing Muslim, I'd need to really step up the eye make-up because my current routine doesn't do a lot for my face when only my eyes are showing.

Wednesday, then again Thursday for half the day, and Friday for half an hour, I counted airplane parts in Hillsboro. Last year this IO supposedly took just half a day, but oh my gosh it took me forever. Some of that stuff was seriously hard to count. I was crawling all over boxes and practically laying on the ground to see some of it. Totally covered in dirt by the end of the day. I suspect ghost-ticking or eating hours last year, if you must know.

Then one of my managers got me off the last IO I was assigned to for 2 days so I could finish the airplane parts. It would have involved counting plants and trees at a nursery and lots and lots of mud. Good story I'm sure, but I'm happy to have been spared the experience. Now bring on busy season!

1 comment:

Rachel F. said...

Thanks so much for the IO stories!! As I will never be an auditor, I am enjoying living through you. So hilarious. I wish we were out there doing it together, that'd be out of control.

And now, I'm all caught up on blog comments!!! (I think). I'm sorry for the major delay. You can thank Business Law for providing me with the time to accomplish this to-do item.