07 October 2009

just indulge me for a minute

Today I want to blog about some of my closest girlfriends because I have been feeling especially grateful for my friends lately. I have some really amazing friends and have had an opportunity to develop close friendships during the past six years since moving out of my parents’ house. My friends have really served as my family at times (and still do). Sometimes many things in my life seem to be going well, and at other times nothing does. But I have never had a period of time since middle school (gosh, those were some awful years) that I felt like I didn’t have a really great group of friends I could depend on. Today’s post features my best girlfriends from BYU, and I will do another installment at a later date to capture Portland.

She gets to go first, because she inspired me to do this with a post on her blog. I have never once felt the need to make an excuse for my behavior or opinions or who I am to Lindsay, and this is really rare for me. (And I understand that sometimes I should apologize for those things out of pure human decency, but it’s still nice that I have never had to for Lindsay.) When I was younger I developed a strong desire to be more outgoing, more confident, and to like myself more. Lindsay has been someone I can watch to see how those things are done. Lindsay has been my friend for a long time, and making a toast at her wedding was one of the funnest things I have ever done. She and I make a scene everywhere we go and can be so silly, but I also have really deep, insightful conversations with Lindsay. Often on gmail chat. Rather than choose a favorite memory of Lindsay (impossible) I will mention one she didn’t bring up: singing like men at youth conference and then tailgating in the parking lot once it became too much to handle being inside.

She is more service-oriented and upbeat than anyone I know. I can remember a few times being surprised to learn that Whitney was stressed out, because she is so positive about life you would never know something was bothering her. Whitney is better at keeping in touch than any other friend I have, and I admire her ability to care about and keep track of so many people at once. I admire Whitney’s dedication in maintaining her spiritual and physical health. There aren’t many times when I’ve been as excited as the time I received an invitation to be one of Whitney’s bridesmaids in the mail. It was such a beautiful, classy card (as was the wedding that followed) and such an honor. Whitney and I have co-hosted many parties and events, and she is a fabulous hostess. One time when I felt really stressed about a party I was throwing Whitney dropped everything she was doing and came over to help bake, clean, decorate, and plant wheat grass. She was there for hours helping me, even though she wasn’t involved in the event at all. I will also always remember that time I was in class and couldn’t get to the free hot dogs on campus so she got me one and delivered it to me during the class!

I could actually bear my testimony of the freshman dorm assignments at BYU and how they couldn’t be random. But that seems a little inappropriate. People are drawn to Megan because she is so warm and bubbly. She has the most varied group of friends (I feel honored to be in the inner circle—her mom says I am) and such varied interests. I love that Megan is so musical and she has helped me better appreciate music in my life. Megan is so well read, so articulate, and so funny. She is compassionate and full of feeling. We have had some really fun road trips to CA. It’s amazing to see her with a baby (I am still getting used to it) and I cannot think of anyone who better deserves the world’s best baby, whose name is Cal. I will forever treasure the moments we sat on the blue shag carpet in the Shire studying, watching a solid five hours of Law & Order, and eating El Azteca. Oh we have experienced some amazing dating moments at BYU, and even creepily stalked some of them from a dark car parked down the street. Megan is always willing to be real, and I think I love that most about her.

Rachel gives good advice, and has been my go-to girl for years. Seriously, the stuff she knows is limitless. Rachel is very good at understanding human nature, and has helped me better understand myself. She is genuinely interested in talking to anyone and always chats with the person in the room no one else is talking to. She behaves beautifully in social settings, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to emulate that. Rachel is all about quality, taste, and class. I could not talk about Rachel without discussing the fun travels we have had. Study abroad in Asia was amazing, as were our trips to Spain, Texas, several to California, and others. Her attitude of “of course we can make that happen” mixed with my attitude of “sure I’ll try that” has made for some wonderful traveling experiences for me. I don’t doubt we have more fabulous adventures ahead. Also, someday I will buckle down and train to run a half marathon (maybe a full too?) and she will be the sole inspiration for that.

She and I met our freshmen year (again, those dorm assignments) and our paths continued to cross throughout college (largely in the Tanner building and at those classic Provo parties). After our study abroad to Asia we became more committed to regular interactions and she has become one of my favorite traveling companions in addition to one of my closest friends. Kristen is always having a good time, and I cannot imagine spending even five minutes speaking to her before I am laughing so hard tears come to my eyes. I hang up the phone after our conversations energized and elated. I am kind of intimidated by Kristen’s popularity everywhere she goes (she is just so fun) and by her drive and determination. She is for sure going places in life and I will be forever happy I can tell people I know her. J I will always remember our evening spent at Billy Bob’s, and am so glad I have the garter to remember it by.


Kirstin is my best friend and always has been. We didn’t meet in college (you know, because we shared a womb) but she was certainly a significant part of that experience. I don’t think I ever experienced true loneliness for an extended period of time until she went on study abroad to Spain, and I didn’t have my built-in best friend nearby. Even family vacations were a different experience than they are for most people because I always had a friend along. Although sometimes I’m sure Kirstin wished she weren’t there to play peacemaker between Daniel and me. J Kirstin is the person you want to always be sitting next to because she will have the funniest commentary, but it will all be said under her breath. We’ve been slowly preparing for life apart and were thus roommates for only the first two years of college. Because we have never pictured ourselves 80, living together, with matching outfits and lots of cats. Although, I can tell you I am seriously considering moving to DC in 2011 when she graduates from law school and heads east. There’s something so comforting about someone who has seen you change over the years, and has liked you at every stage. I can remember how desperately we wanted a kitten when we were little (our mom is allergic to cats) and laugh now at how desperately neither of us wants any animals in the house ever. I remember when she made cheer in high school, and even though she had worked so hard and should have been so excited, she couldn’t enjoy even a minute of celebration because she knew how upset I was that I didn’t make it too. We have so many things is common, and so many differences. Don’t ask me to explain how that works. I can (and do) talk to Kirstin about anything and she knows more about me than anyone else. I can admit things to her that I wouldn’t dare tell another soul. I love her so much and don’t even resent her when people repeatedly label her the “good twin” and me the “bad twin” even though I think we’re both equally good and bad. She is just sneakier about it! I could not be more excited for her visit this weekend!


Matthew said...

lovr your hair in the first picture!

Matthew said...

oops..... that was me, Emily. not Matt. although i'm sure he agrees!

Diana said...

Aww! I loved getting to know your friends through this post! Good friends make all the difference in the world!!

Kristine said...

Wow, this was unexpectedly reminiscent for me too! Most of these girls were my Tier 2 Friends (friends of friends) for a year. I used to run into Megan on campus a lot after living with you guys, and we'd always stop and chat. And Lindsay was the world's most welcome familiar face, when I met up with her in Oregon! And of course I love Kirstin! I do miss her under-her-breath commentary. :)

Megan said...

This made me cry. You are such a thoughtful, caring, perceptive friend.

Rachel F. said...

Ok I'm driving but I just had to comment you are so sweet!! I'm tearing up a bit. I'm glad I made the short list of your upper inner circle. Much love to you.

Unknown said...

Courtney! It is such an honor to be your friend. Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts. We've been friends for so long and I only envision more scenes and years ahead. Love you!

Nathan and Whitney Tanner said...

I love you! Thank YOU for being such a great friend to me! We seriously have had such wonderful memories, and I've loved them all. Dorm assignments were definitely not random. I learn so much from you and love you personality. You make life so fun. I admire that you take advantage of life and make a 'birthday week', for example. I miss you!