08 July 2009

some ireland highlights

I had such a fun trip to Ireland with my dad. He is lonely after working there by himself and sure appreciated the company. (Evidenced by the fact that we got to do whatever I wanted the entire week.) This picture is in front of a delicious seafood restaurant in Dingle Town. They base their menu each day on what they could buy fresh from local fishermen, and if there is a storm and the fishermen can't go out, they don't open the restaurant that day.
There were so many gorgeous views of the coast and the countryside during my trip. Ireland is a really beautiful place. This picture is from the Ring of Kerry.
St. Patrick's Cathedral. I really love seeing old cathedrals and churches.
Here I am at a peet bog. I am so fascinated by peet bogs. This one is being harvested and used as fuel to heat homes, which is why the preserved peet is exposed.
This was such a gorgeous beach on the Dingle Peninsula. And probably my favorite photo of the entire week.


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! I'm glad you had fun. The pictures are lovely.


Kirstin said...

I wish we could have done the Ireland trip together, but it was probably good for Dad to have us visit him two different weeks.

JonJon said...

Is there any correlation to the last picture being your favorite and the yellow jacket? :) I love the picture of the cathedral, so beautiful.

emilymakin said...

Ireland looks so beautiful! I am quite glad you put even more pictures on facebook, the small number of photos blogspot lets you post without too much difficulty is just not sufficient for a trip to Ireland!

Nathan and Whitney Tanner said...

SO gorgeous!! I'm glad you had a great time!