28 July 2009

it's a hundred million degrees outside

It reached 105 today , and was already 80 degrees by the time I left for work. It never really cooled down last night, which made for a really miserable attempt at sleeping in my un-airconditioned apartment. This is not appropriate Oregon summer weather.
Tonight Diana decided to plan a water fight with water balloons, squirt guns, hoses, and a slip n slide. It was so fun, took me way back, and definitely cooled me down for a chunk of the evening. Great idea Di! Now of course I'm back home and absolutely dying. But tomorrow night I will be sleeping at my parents' house, enjoying their AC.


Emily said...

Yay for parents houses and AC!

JonJon said...

Jealous. I was surprised though to find that my house was only at 78 degrees when I got home last night. Let's hope after 107 degrees today it still doesn't rise above 78.

Diana said...

Yeah for AC tonight!!