20 July 2009

base tan weekend 2.0

Here are some more very overdue photos from my trip to San Diego with RZ and K-Hill over Memorial Day weekend.
Proof that we really only like activities that require helmets.
Lots of good food, including frozen yogurt. Letting me serve myself does not fare well for portion control.
Checking out the San Diego YSA scene.
Sea kayaking at the La Jolla caves was so fun!
Pedicures are a necessary part of any girls' weekend.
Enjoying the sunshine and a lemonade stand. Love you girls!

1 comment:

Rachel F. said...

Oh how I love looking at pictures of this weekend!! I'm so happy we did it.

By the way... my brother has an apartment in Boston that is empty until the end of August. He says we're totally welcome to go stay in it if we want. I realize vacation time is tight so it probably wouldn't work but that'd be crazy!!