26 April 2009

we don't do summer sales boys

So today was that Sunday when the summer sales boys start showing up in your singles ward. Awesome. Not. After church I went to dinner at Megan's (who lives in my complex) and Emily pointed out this piece of gold: a car with a U of U license plate and if you look closely a Pinacle sticker on the back window. Seriously? They live in my complex? I hope they take over the pool area (with all the ridiculous girls they no doubt plan to collect) and ruin my summer dreams of a ridiculous amount of pool and hot tub time. For heaven's sake.


Emily said...

oh how i love this!! haha! summer sales boys totally made for an entertaining Sunday School yesterday!

D said...

I saw the title of your post on my feed and I HAD to read it. That cracks me up! So true.

lindsay and mark said...

I told someone the other day that I think Satan invented summer sales. The guy then told me that he has done two summers with Apex.

Low monitoring system?

Nathan and Whitney Tanner said...

haha! GOOD LUCK! I don't know what it is, but summer sales boys are different... I got your back