09 May 2010

i heart mom

I have a really great mother. And, my mom is one of my best girlfriends. It's a killer combination. She always knows what to say, and she never tires of having to say it. I have learned so many things from my mom, and will highlight some of the best lessons right now.
  • The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of my mother is compassion. She has taught me to love, to forgive, and to have compassion for others. This lesson has been taught again and again through example.
  • My mother taught me to be kind. Once, I was having a really hard time getting along with a girl in my second grade class. I was friends with everyone in the class, but this one girl really got on my nerves. I was venting to my mom, and she pointed out some things that made this girl's life very difficult. She suggested that maybe I had known this girl before this life, and we knew her life was going to be really hard, and I had promised her that I would find her and be her friend. And wouldn't I feel awful if I didn't end up keeping that promise? That casual, after-school conversation has really affected me.
  • My mother taught me to love reading and to love learning-- in and out of school. She would read to us every night before bed, and help us with all of our school assignments. I can neither confirm nor deny that homework help continued into grad school.
  • My mother taught me how to cook, clean, properly set a table, and host a lovely party. Our home was always clean, neat, welcoming, and open. We have always had room for visitors, regardless of the size of our home or budget. I can remember one of her young women who got kicked out of her house when she got pregnant living with us. Giving her a room involved my brother, sister, and I sharing one bedroom in our tiny little home. I have so many memories of random people at our house for holidays. Sometimes I really hated it and didn't want to entertain weird so and so instead of just having fun with my family. Sometimes I still do hate it, but my mother would never let inconvenience or a tantrum from me keep her from making a lonely someone feel welcome and loved in our home.
  • Last of all, the most important thing my mother has taught me is to love my savior, Jesus Christ. She has taught me to listen to the spirit, and seek after the truths of the gospel. I have watched my mother perform hours and hours of church service. I have discussed gospel principles with her over and over again. She has taught me the importance of faith and obedience.
There are many other women who have played a mothering role in my life. I appreciate them, and I aspire to be like them. Happy Mothers' Day to them all!


Rachel F. said...

Aww I love Kay Hansen too!!

:p said...

Mom's are cool. You have a great mom with these praises you have written.