After finishing work Friday in CO Springs, I flew into SLC for Matt's funeral. It was great to listen to memories of him, honor his life, and see Emily. She really is an amazing person.
Saturday night, I went to the mogul competition at Deer Valley with Kirstin, Lindsay, and Daniel. There were a lot of high school stories shared. Afterwards we met up with Mark for hot cocoa at the Salt Lake Roasting Company-- it was great.
Change of subject
I had the longest 70 minute flight EVER Friday night. I was in the aisle, a 50-something man from Texas was at the window, then a really attractive 30-something man sat down in the middle. I asked him a question, and he answered in a British accent-- oh yes! Then, Mr. Texas, who is completely drunk, takes control of convo with hot, single, British man for the entirety of the flight. Ignoring the fact that politically Texas man and I do not share the same views, everything that came out of his mouth was totally offensive or stupid or both. His favorite topics were the Mayans prediction about the world ending in 2012 and the fact that our President was clearly not born in America because where is his birth certificate? Turn off the Fox News, dude. He also had derogatory things to say about the following groups: women, blacks, Chinese, democrats, Muslims, his wife, and generally all non-US citizens. At one point he leaned over and asked me to put in ear plugs (he was going to use the f word) and I said, "Oh I have been for an hour." He was too drunk to catch the snotty tone in my voice. I was so not amused.
you should have said "the mayans predicted obama would be kenyan". it would have blown his mind. or made you laugh.
1. We are darling.
2. What a horrible flight. He sounds like a horrible offensive man. I'm wondering what the reaction of the British accent guy was?
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