05 March 2009


OK this guy at the client who I’ve never seen or spoken to before comes into the audit room (my senior is out of the room so it’s just me) and is all “Did you know the phones play music?” Umm, no, I didn’t, and who are you? He grabs the phone and shows me what buttons to push and now I’m listening to NPR. Isn’t that really weird? What would have possessed him to think “The auditors must really want to be listening to music right now and I bet they don’t know the phones in every room will play music.”

This pretty much what the audit room looks like-- just imagine a phone playing NPR sitting in the middle of the piles of paper. I don't even like NPR all that much. If the phone had an i-pod dock then I'd be set.


Emily said...

haha! that i awesome! i love random people at the office!

lindsay and mark said...

Wow, that is good. This is just more proof that "The Office" is so factual.