03 December 2008

let's just make a scene

So tonight was the KNOW (KPMG Network of Women) annual holiday wine tasting party.  I stopped by for awhile to mingle, but honestly, didn't care to stay and learn about wine for two or more hours.  The partner who hosted the event lives out in Lake Oswego next to a nature park.  I had followed a coworker there and, as parking was crowded, we drove all the way to the end of the street to find a spot.  Well, to the end of what we thought was a street.  Apparently we didn't notice that the street had ended and we drove into the nature park.  On the way out, (it was very, very dark) we just continued down the "street" hoping it would meet up with the main road in a bit.  A good half a mile later, my coworker calls me and is like, "Did you notice that we're on a walking path and not on a road?  I had to stop because there are some trees in the path and my car can't get through."  Umm, what?  Seriously?  I look around and confirm that we are indeed in the middle of a forest, on a walking path not much wider than our cars, and are nowhere near the road.  So I begin backing up with my amazing driving skills (those who have seen me try to parallel park know how awesome this must have been) until I get to a spot where I can do a forty-point turn Austin Powers style and turn my car around to drive forward.  My dear coworker was worried her car didn't have the clearance of my Civic and couldn't handle going off the path to turn around.  I drove slowly to wait for her while she backed out the entire way.  It took a good 25 minutes.  You guys, this is my real life.  Stuff like this happens all the time.  Does everyone make a scene everywhere they go without even trying, or is it just me (and Lindsay)?  I mean, how do you find yourself half a mile (at least) into a dark forest on a walking path in your car that is not meant for off-roading?  The two bikers who passed looked way annoyed so I rolled my window down to apologize and mention we had gotten kind of lost.  The one guy made some jack-ass comment.  Really?  Clearly I'm special ed and I don't know how he could have no sympathy for my situation.  This may top my most embarrassing moments ever, over and above the sleeping pills in the Tokyo airport even.  I'm going to bed. 


Rachel F. said...

hahahahaha i'm seriously here laughing out loud!! this made my night. a walking path?

"clearly i'm special ed" haha!

tokyo airport sleeping pill incident!! hahahaha and remember how we tried to convince you you had said some crazy things to mitch? oh that was amazing. haha


lindsay and mark said...

I am laughing out loud right now. Wow... and I really don't know what the deal it with us and the scene making. The list of scenes we have made is UNREAL. When are we going to learn how to behave?

Nathan and Whitney Tanner said...

I laughed out loud at work reading this one! You're hilarious! Good luck over there!

Lauren said...

Haha I love it! Yes you are special ed. And I don't know.. I heard about the Tokyo Airport sleeping pill and Mitch carrying you on the plain... that might not top it! haha