Sorry this post is going to be long and have no photos. But it will be therapeutic for me to write. So it's Sunday morning and I've woken up early to go to the 9am church at my building because I'm going to miss my ward flying to Colorado Springs for work that afternoon. I look outside to confirm the reports of snow turned out to be true. There's like 2 inches of snow on the ground and I think no problem I can get to church. Forgetting that I'm no longer in Utah and even the slightest bit of snow in Portland shuts down the entire city. Anyways, I get out of bed and get ready to go even though I'm tired from my office holiday party the night before. As I'm driving up the winding hill out of my apartment complex I slip a little but overall my car is doing pretty good. I'm almost to the stoplight to turn on the main road and my car simply can't make it up the last part of the hill.
I start to turn around and go back down and in the process my car begins to slide sideways. I slam my foot on the brake, throw it in neutral, and pull up the parking brake. Nothing. I'm sliding towards another car and completely panicking. Finally my car stops sliding before hitting the other car and I get out to assess the situation. Then two cars above mine on the hill slide into each other and continue sliding towards my car. I stand there watching in shock as the car slides into mine and suddenly people are shouting at me to get out of the way. You know because I'm standing downhill from my car that is sliding towards me trying to kill me. I turn to run out of the way and slip and fall because it's so icy. So I scramble on my hands and knees in my church dress to get out of the way of the car. Has your car ever tried to kill you? In the end there were 5 cars involved in the fender bender and no one was hurt. It took about an hour to get some snow melt on the ground and one by one remove the cars from the tangle. There was no one available to come help us because there were accidents all over the place. I parked my crunched car illegally next to the curb-- I didn't dare try to drive all the way back down. I exchanged information with the others involved in the accident and walked back to my apartment. Freezing to death by then in my little flats and a dress.
I decide to get online and see how delayed my flight is. Not delayed at all, which I think can't be right. I call my senior to see if he's heard anything about his flight and he told me that apparently the east side hasn't gotten as much snow as the west side and flights are indeed leaving. The highways to the airport are all a mess but the max train is still running so we can take public transportation to the airport. I tell him I can't drive my car anywhere (clearly) and my roommate's friend has been trying to get a taxi here all morning to no avail. So Jon (my senior) who has put chains on his car offers to drive me to the max station, which is so nice of him. I tell him I'll meet him at the top of my apartment complex in about 20 minutes so I can still make my flight. Then I begin packing like a mad woman. I get a bunch of stuff in my suitcase for a week of work and a weekend of skiing with the fam, bundle up, and begin the trek with my two suitcases. Still in disbelief that everything around me is falling apart yet somehow I must still find a way to audit. My roommate Casey has since gotten chains on her car and drives me to the top of the complex. I get out and call Jon and he ways he's on his way but they aren't letting people drive up the hill to my apartment complex. So I begin hiking down Barnes with my suitcases to meet up with Jon.
He drops me off and I head down the stairs to wait for the train. While waiting for the train I get interviewed by a news crew. I hope they put me on TV and people see me with mascara running down my face from the melted snow. After an hour ride on public transportation I get to the airport in time to make my flight. Oh, and I started my period on the train, of course. I grab some midol and some sushi for lunch and hop on my flight to Denver. Once I get to Denver I have to check in for my flight to Colorado Springs because I'm switching airlines. I make my way down to the terminal where all the small commuter planes land and it's getting colder and colder. Half of the hallway is blocked off because something has been leaking from the ceiling and the carpet is all wet. they have fans blowing and all the doors are open. Mind you the current temperature in Denver is minus ten. Have you ever breathed in air that cold? It hurts your lungs.
I wait for my flight back in the main terminal where it's warm, but practically freeze to death again while walking out to the plane. I waited for my senior for about an hour in Colorado Springs then we head to our rental car (where the temperature is still below zero). By this time I am starving to death so we decide to drive through somewhere for food on the way to the hotel. Honestly there is not much going on in Colorado Springs. We see a McDonald's after we've passed the exit and just hope there's something near our hotel. There isn't. I was too tired to want to drive back to the McDonald's. We found some fruit left over from the breakfast buffet so I eat an orange and a banana and fell into bed.
I was so excited to wake up to a new day and leave my Sunday behind me. This morning, I start getting ready for work, and, wait for it. Wait for it. There's no hot water in my room! I take a cold sponge bath in the sink because I don't have time to try to switch rooms. You know how gross you feel after being on an airplane and to not have a real shower is just awful. And I haven't washed my hair since Thursday. You guys I am so dirty it's unbelievable. I let the front desk know and apparently there was a bunch of snow blocking the hot water heater and the problem was getting fixed. Good maybe I can shower tomorrow.