Seriously though. I want to date Edward Cullen. And have his half-vampire babies. Last night I went to see the midnight premier of Twilight with my two female coworkers for our last night in Anchorage. LOVED it. Yes the lines were just as cheesy in the movie as they were in the book. Yes I hate girls like Bella in real life who only define themselves by the men in their lives. Yes I hate controlling men like Edward in real life. But I care vehemently about these characters. Stephanie Meyer created magic in this series. The casting was fabulous and all of the characters looked just the way I imagined. Except maybe Rosalie, who I wanted to be more stunning.
We got to the theater a good three hours early (didn't want to risk getting stuck in line outside in Alaska). There were at least 40 people in line in front of us. I've never seen more "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" t-shirts in my life. There were obnoxious, screaming middle school girls everywhere. I do not miss anything about middle school. The group right next to me was particularly loud and, as they kept growing in numbers, one girl was practically sitting on my lap by the time they let us into the theater. Also, a group of moms were handing out 4-page Twilight quizzes they had put together for the occasion. Amazing.
There was a minute of panic as we shuffled into the theater and were not allowed in because we had tickets for the showing in another room. We had just spent two hours in the line the movie theater workers told us to wait in and then had to go to another theater on the other side of the building. We were about to get all "I need to see a manager" on this teenager but the other theater was not as crowded and we still got good seats. Luckily.
This morning I had to drop off some supplies we'd borrowed from the Anchorage office, then take the shuttle to the airport. I saw a moose on the side of the road on my way out of town. Finally. The big beast did not disappoint. Now I'm enjoying free wifi in the airport, in serious need of a nap. Tonight I will study for the CPA exam I am taking tomorrow. I am so under prepared. Like, way more than for the other three. So please send positive energy my way because I want to pass FAR and be done with the whole thing. And date a vampire.