26 September 2008

greece baby

Well my first official business trip was to Athens, Greece for new hire training. I love my job and wonder how long they'll keep pretending it's super fun. Maybe forever?

I'm sitting in the hotel by the airport for my last night. Our Internet access has been awful, limited to 2 hours per day and very slow because everyone is on at the same time. About halfway through training some first years figured out the admin password for the instructor's Internet which lasts all day, but updating my blog during class would have been too conspicuous.
Here's a photo tour of the trip highlights-- I definitely saw less of the city than on other European adventures when I'm not being tortured in a conference room all day.

Here's a sneak peak of the trip:

My training group for the first week. There were participants from 12 countries (US, Canada, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Singapore, and clearly some others). I'm on the far right in a blue sweater and orange dress.

View of the conference rooms from above. I wish every morning I could get to work in 5 minutes by just taking the elevator downstairs.

A really darling patio restaurant one of our first nights there. The jet lag was probably killing me by this point in the night.

Opa! The fav cheer of the training attendees. I had to take one pic so I didn't feel like I was missing out on all of the fun. Licorice flavored hard liquor doesn't sound that great anyways so whatev.

Dinner at another fun place in Plaka-- our most frequented area of town. This is my new friend Kim who just moved to Portland after growing up in Chicago and attending school at Wisconsin. I'm really relieved she's cool.